الأربعاء، يوليو 17


الأسبوع القادم بإذن الله تعالى تصدر الطبعة العاشرة من كتاب الغمريني الكبير في الأمراض الجلدية - 4 أجزاء - في مكتبات كليات الطب في مصر
Next week, God Willing, comes the 10th edition of
"Ghamriny's Clinical Dermatology", a 4-volume edition, 2019
in all medical bookstores in Egypt.
This will be the last edition based on the current book structure and backbone. After 2-3 years, God Willing, a totally new concept & structure would be adopted; hopefully for a better way of presenting information and advances in dermatology.

الاثنين، يوليو 15

Nice Case

Tinea corporis incognito due to previous wrong diagnosis of a dermatologist and the use of a topical steroid (above).
The same case, one week later, after treatment with a systemic and a topical antifungal treatments (below).